an artist collaboration by iris holstein and matthias hederer
since 2001

the artist collaboration iris-a-maz deals with the artistic appropriation and interpretation of research and classification methods. theoretical, socio-cultural and scientific-historical phenomena are transformed into a performative aesthetic, using the media photography, video and sound and includes the space as a scenographic moment.
both studied at the interdisciplinary university hfg-karlsruhe among others at the classes: ulay, michael saup, didi danquart.

we are scientists, artists and lovers!


pact zollverein essen (2007); künstlerdorf schöppingen (2015/2016); künstlerhaus im schlossgarten cuxhaven (2019)

                   institutional collaborations:

pong artistcollective
(2003-2009); thinktank büro für raumfragen (2004-2006); editors for biotope city journal (since 2006); artist society frappant (since 2009); confraternity fux (since 2015)

                   theatrical projects:

, hfg-karlsruhe (2004), 2nd place at congress for scenography dortmund (2006); i am here doctor faustus, kampnagel (2012) director: julia hart; die parasitäre nebelmaschine, public space (2012) text: friedrich von borries collaboration: spacedepartment; twittersturm jäger, lichthof theater (2019) coiiaboration: julia hart


, bremen (2014); ms artville festival, hamburg (2016); hauptsache frei, hamburg (2017); quadrennial, prague (2019)

                   exhibitions (among others):

altonaer museum
, hamburg; badischer kunstverein, karlsruhe; der mixer, frankfurt; erholungshaus, leverkusen; firstdraft gallery, sydney; frappant, hamburg; haus sootbörn, hamburg; linda, hamburg; künstlerdorf, schöppingen; künstlerhaus im schlossgarten, cuxhaven; kunstraum tosterglope; kunstraum rosenstrasse, fürth; kunstverein, walldorf; medizinhistorisches museum, hamburg; nachtspeicher 23, hamburg; pact zollverein, essen; p/art, hamburg; pieschener kunstverein, dresden; praline, leipzig; public space, hamburg, karlsruhe, rouen, sydney; saloon gallery, karlsruhe; space 1, sydney; vorwerkstift, hamburg; westwerk, hamburg; zeltnerschloss, nürnberg

more materials:

iris at insta: @irisamaz
maz at insta: @neongreengray
irisas setdesigns and senography worx
iris-a-maz videostuff at vimeo

>> iris-a-maz 2019<<